Wednesday, November 2, 2011

THURSDAY 11/3/11

Hi Guys,
I am home sick today :( I really really really hope to be feeling better tomorrow and back to teach.

Please be great for your guest teacher today! :)

1. Use IXL for 25 minutes at least! (Remember our conversations on Wednesday--You need to USE the program and hit submit--links are below--you MUST use the links I provided)

2. Work on the worksheets that you got yesterday--finish them up and turn them in

3. Get the new worksheet from the guest teacher (colored handout)--on the left side where the squares are, put in ANY number -10 to 10. Put that number into the inequality (rule) and then on the right side, write the number you got and say YES the number you picked was a solution or NO it was not a solution

IXL Links:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Boyer(: I hope you feel better tomorrow so you can teach again. Get well :D

